Garden Lesson – Observations

October 2, 2018

2L had their fall garden lesson.  They practiced their observation skills and turned their observations into a sensory poem (five senses poem).   They also planted some Chinese kale.

Please ask your children about their lessons and what they observed in the garden.

Garden Gurus

Ribbon Test

October 2, 2018

3F had their garden lesson  and the kids seem to have a lot of fun. We planted the lettuce seeds in the bed closest to the shed.

The ribbon test was a little challenging (hard to make a ball out of the soil and water) but the kids just enjoyed getting messy. Ribbon test is used to estimate soil texture and the amount of clay in the soil. More information on the ribbon test. Below is a quick video for reference.


Back to School Updates!

Garden reception on Back to School Night: 6:30 to 7 pm and all throughout the night visit the garden for yummy lemonade and zucchini bread made from zucchinis KRS children grew!

Green Team meetings: September 25th at 8 pm at the KRS library and September 27 th at 10am at the garden. Please come by to learn what we’re up to for this year and contribute your ideas and suggestions!

Garden classes start the week of September 25th. Please email us at, if interested in teaching garden lessons.

Garden State: Living off the Land in Early New Jersey – METC exhibit

The Museum of Early Trades and Crafts is having an exhibit from January to September called “Garden State: Living off the Land in Early New Jersey”. Our KRS vegetable garden will be part of the exhibit! The 1st graders artwork from their fall garden lesson will be part of the exhibit and their families were all invited to the grand opening on January 26th. Very exciting! Continue reading

Garden Lessons – Square Foot Gardening (STEM in the Garden)

October 2016

Our garden lessons continued with the 5th grade learning about various gardening methods. They learned about and practiced one method of garden planting that saves space and helps us grow more in the space we have. Traditionally plants are planted in rows. You can see this in most of our school garden. This method has many benefits and works very well in large fields like you might have seen in our own NJ – the Garden State. Continue reading

Garden Lessons – Seed Exploration

October 2016

In the past few weeks, KRS classes have attended their first garden lessons in the new KRS vegetable garden. The vegetable garden was built this summer by KRS parents, students, friends and family. Its intention is to enhance the educational experience by teaching the following subjects: gardening, how vegetables grow, taste of fresh vegetables, inspiration to come up with recipes of their vegetables, understanding the relationship between the food we eat and the environment, importance of fresh vegetables to our health and well being, garden as a resource for tranquility, simplicity of providing nourishing food to those in need and beautiful art projects that can be done for a garden. Continue reading

KRS Community Comes Together to Beautify Grounds

May Day 2016 was a turning point for the KRS community. After years of low turnout on May Day, this year the school had over 75 volunteers show up – in pouring rain- to beautify the front of the school. Kings Road School is charming in many ways- the children running down the hill when school is out, the warm and loving teachers and Principal, the community of parents that chat during picking up and dropping off their kids. The one exception was the walkway leading to the front entrance of the school.

With careful planning and a committed group of volunteers that has now changed. The walkway is now lined with beautiful flowers and outstanding garden art, created by the KRS children. There were even volunteers who came Friday afternoon to prepare for the hard work on Saturday. This included parents, students, and volunteers from Newark Academy earning community service credits. Saturday morning was a larger crowd with many Cub Scout and Daisy troops represented.  The committed volunteers stayed well past the stated end time of 11am. Until 1pm they were planting, mulching, and cleaning away all the mud. ByMonday morning, right on the heels of a fantastic Teachers Appreciation week, the teachers and staff walked in with beautiful flowers and adorable rock art of ladybugs and bumble bees greeting them.

The beautification of the KRS grounds was truly a community effort. The garden art was done prior to May Day by the morning and aftercare students and some on May Day itself by our young helpers.

The planning of May Day incorporated thoughtfulness on school colors, cost-effectiveness, blooming times of the plants and flowers to coincide with the school year, and longevity. Three butterfly bushes were planted outside of Mrs. Goodbread’s classroom to help with the second grade butterfly project. Many of the plants already on campus were reorganized, including making a beautiful hosta ring around the tree dedicated to a long time, beloved crossing guard of KRS. We planted a variety of lillies, catnip, and yellow roses as well as astilbes and ferns that will be up by the time students return to school in the fall. The existing planters on the premises were given a fresh coat of paint and now have yellow marigolds that can be harvested for their seeds each year and shasta daisies that will be planted in the ground this fall. The goal was to plant as many perennials as possible and to stick with the red and yellow school colors.

If interested in learning more, please continue to visit this blog and follow it. The Green Team is in the early stages of creating a vegetable garden that the students can use and learn from. As it gets underway, the Green Team will appreciate the support of the wider Madison community, in terms of maintaining the garden and donated supplies. If interested in learning more please contact the Green Team at

Spring 2018 Activities and Volunteer Opportunities

January 25, 2018

Garden Lessons will commence week of March 26th and continue for two weeks. Sarah will reach out with a request for supplies and Garden lesson teachers. We are able to start lessons earlier this year because the hoop houses constructed during Fall Beautification Day are working very well. Vegetables are still growing in there!

Garden Party– could be June 9th but waiting to find out when KRS Spring Carnival will be since we don’t want it to be on the same weekend. A Garden Party Committee will plan details. So far those interested in Garden Party Committee are Peggy, Stephanie, Adrienne, Eric, Jen and Rupal. Ideas for party include an obstacle course, scavenger hunt, a movie, arts activities, distributing food made from the garden, selling a cookbook of recipes from KRS families using veggies from the garden. We’d like it to be a fun family day and utilize Livesey Park, adjacent to KRS

Bulb Fundraiser– we will look into having a fundraiser to sell bulbs that can be delivered to us by May for planting in summer. Peggy is looking into it.

May Day– we will form a committee to help plan May Day along with Sarah. Ideas of arts projects are painting planters along front walkway and sides of vegetable beds

Earth Month (April) ideas include every morning have an Earth Minute (each class can be in charge of two minutes) in morning announcements, Shoe Recycling we’ve done the past two years, cleaning up atrium, and Adrienne will spearhead a school-wide challenge to reduce trash generated in the class – mostly from snack time

Blog– Work with Mr. Knevals to get the kids to populate the blog more than us

Other ideas include:
– Selling excess produce from garden during the Farmers Market or donating food to Food Bank
– One day after school handing out prepared food made from the garden at pick up line
– Doing something like a Pumpkins and Poems but in the spring and garden related, e.g. each grade represent a theme like renewable energy or diversity